Fashion party invite

I have been very busy the past months. Loaded with big assignments and small assignments. One on the most recent ones is an invitation made for club promotor Onassis Kayal who is in charge of one of the opening parties in The Danish Fashion Week. I was asked to create a fashion looking minimalistic, sharp and cool invite to this event which is also a reception for two cool designers Stine Ladefoged and FINSK.

Stine Ladefoged is best known for Knitwear and jersey garments made with Scandinavian simplicity and innovative detailing. In her AW collection you will find inspiration in a theme of bones and the structure of the Eiffel tower. FINSK aka Julie Lundsten has won the prestigious Manolo Blahnik Award two years running and has been dubbed the Eames of footwear, she is London based and has established herself as a designer with a strong vision and unique, directional style. so unique that Lady Gaga is one of her clients. All in all two really happening talented designers, and the invitation has to sum up what they stand for.

A hot act at the moment Miguel (LA) will be giving a special performance at the party the very same evening at the venue KB3. This is quite a big deal so Miguel had to be in focus on this invitation, which also ment a lot of restrictions. Like pictures, fonts and how the text was written. All that said I must say that working under restrictions can be a lot of fun and I felt it was a way to test my talent, even despite all the things that had to be in a certain way, is it possible to make something I felt was cool. and I must say I did good.!

One of the most difficult processes during the making of the invitation was getting the pictures the designers and Miguel´s booking agency had provided me with to harmonize in the artwork and still attaining a clean cut look, without the clashing of to many colors and poses. The past months I have been very interested in sharpening my artwork, restricting the pictures in tightly drawn shapes, and this is definitely a big inspiration for me at the moment so I will be working more in this direction, so heads up.

Anyone who has see my collages know how much I love working with symmetry and this especially worked well in this artwork. I feel it gives the artwork a more interesting look without it looking to busy and unorganized.I still love working with the triangles and sharp corners and which once again support the style I am aiming for.

The invitation is to be printed on a sheet of A4 paper and folded in the middle. On the backside of the invitation you will find the address line and stamp. The closing fixture will be a small label. The idea is to get a great looking invitation but without having to use the extra money on envelopes and at the same time hopefully spike the guests interest by sending something different than what normally comes through the mail slot in the door.