
Badehotellet ved vesterhavet. Kun 200 meter fra Vesterhavet, tæt på feriebyen Søndervig og Husby Klitplantage, finder du Vedersø Klit Badehotel.

De ønskede et nyt logo der kunne opdatere deres udtryk samt symbolisere det område badehotellet ligger i. Jeg tog udgangspunkt i naturen omkring hotellet. Sand og marehalm ses så langt øje rækker og er et kendetegn for vesterhavs områder. Jeg valgte at kombinere to skrifttyper. Til ” Vedersø Klit” har jeg brugt den kraftige font for at drage en parallel til det voldsomme vesterhav, samt til den klassiske enkle rene badehotels følelse. Den luftige font er brugt til “Badehotel” for at drage en parallel til den moderne tid som ejerne ønsker at bringe hotellet hen til.

De havde nogle farver de i forvejen var glade for og gerne ville forsætte med at arbejde med. Den lyserøde og lilla. Et forfriskende og modigt valg som var en fornøjelse at arbejde med.


The seaside hotel on the North Sea. Only 200 meters from the North Sea, close to the resort town of Søndervig and Husby Klitplantage, you will find Vedersø Klit Badehotel.

They wanted a new logo that could update their expression as well as symbolize the area the hotel is located in. I started looking at the nature elements around the hotel. Sand and lyme grass is seen as far as the eye goes and are a hallmark of the North Sea. This made me chose it as their icon.
I chose to combine two fonts. For “Vedersø Klit” I have used the powerful to draw a parallel to the strong and powerful sea, as well as to the classic simple clean sea side hotel feeling. The airy font for “Badehotel” I used to draw a parallel to the modern times that the owners want to bring the hotel into.

They had some colors they were already happy with and would like to continue working with. The pink and purple. A refreshing and courageous choice that was a pleasure to work with.