Logo desingn and artwork identity

Logo design og illustration til projektleder Tina Graabech.

Nøglen i arbejdet fokuserer på folket, og virksomhedens Tina Graabech arbejder med. Hun ønsker, at hver medarbejder skal ses som en person i stedet for blot at være en ressource. Deres specifikke færdigheder er vigtige for at kunne nå målstregen.

Jeg visualiserede dette i illustrationen med forskellige former placeret omkring bogstavet G, aka Graabech. Formerne er meget forskellige for hinanden, ligesom de hun arbejder med.

Logoet viser Graabechs navn centreret i midten med prikker balancerende omkring dem. Ligesom processen med deres arbejde er de styrkens søjle med retningsretning og de andre følger.

For at se andre logoopgaver, følg dette link.


Logo design and artwork for project manager Tina Graabech.

The key of the work is focussing on the people and companys Tina Graabech works with. She wants every employee to be seen as a person instead of just being a resource. Their specific skills are important to be able to reach the finish line.

I visualised this in the artwork with different shapes placed around the letter G, aka Graabech. The shapes are very different to each other, as are the people she works with.

The logo shows Graabechs name centred in the middle with dots balancing around them. Like the process of their work, they are the pillar of strength with a sense of direction and the others follow.

For other logo assignments please look at this link.