Europe 1950 – 2000 – Aarhundredets Festival artwork

I dette festival artwork ville de have mig til at indarbejde forskellige elementer. De skulle forklare festival temaet og indhold. Årets tema var årene 1950-2000.

Elementerne for denne års plakat hvor meget konkret. Dette skyldtes, at vi beskæftiger os med håndgribelige ting som retrobiler, krig, våben, atomvåben, rumrejser og tidens opfindelser. Kunstværket var baseret omkring 60’erne og 70’erne. Meget hurtigt viste farverne og billederne, hvilken farveholdning jeg ville arbejde med.

Det er vigtigt for dem at vise en forsker fra universitetet som omdrejningspunkt. Dette er fordi festivalen handler om uddannelse for befolkningen, og de vil have forskerne til at være centrum for dette. Som model valgte vi Bertel Nygaard, som undersøger politisk musik, oprør og diskussioner. Vi valgte en meget direkte positur, for at understrege det politiske oprør af tiden.

Festivalen samler videnskabsfolk, kunstnere, institutioner og kreative entusiaster og fusionerer dem gennem koncerter, middage, foredrag, forfatterlæsningsfilm og udstillinger. Festivalen er fokuseret på viden, men altid med den kulturelle oplevelse som krydderi.

Dette kunstværk måtte arbejde på så mange forskellige niveauer. Det skulle være et blikfang og en stærk kommunikator, og samtidig skulle den kunne spredes ud på mange platforme. Som plakater, der strækker sig i størrelse fra A1 til A5, bannere, web, badges, aviser og A4-formatets festivalkatalog.


For this festival artwork they wanted me to incorporate different elements. They had to be explanatory of the festival theme and content. This years theme was the years from 1950 -2000.

So the elements for this years poster where very concrete. This was because we where dealing with tangible things, as retro cars, war, weapons, nuclear weapons, space travel  and inventions of the time. The artwork was based around the sixties and seventies.Very quickly the colors and pictures I found, decided what color scheme I would be working ind.

It is important for them to show a researcher from the university as a focal point, because the festival in different ways is about education for the population and they want the researchers to be the center of this. So we had Bertel Nygaard who researches political music, rebellion and discussions. We chose a very “in your face” front view pose for the model, we wanted to emphasize the political rebellion of the time.

The festival brings together scientists, artists, institutions and creative enthusiasts and merges them through concerts, dinners, lectures, author readings film and exhibitions. The festival is focused on knowledge, but always with the cultural experience as spice.

This artwork had to work on so many different levels. It had to be an eye catcher and a strong communicator and at the same time it had to be able to be spread out on many platforms. Such as posters ranging in size from A1 to A5, banners, web, badges, newspapers ads, and the A4 sized festival catalogue.