Theater Katapult season overview brochure catalog

Jeg lavet en sæsonoversigts brochure for teater Katapult . Den kan bruges både foldet og som plakat. Så det er muligt at have den liggende hos cafeér og andre steder for der er behov for at reklamere. Samtidig er der mulighed for at hænge den op og bruge den som en tosidet plakat.

En anden plakat jeg har lavet for dem i forbindelse med en forestilling kan ses her.


I have made a season overview brochure for theater Katapult. It can be used both folded as a brochure and not unfolded as a poster. So it is possible to have it lying at cafes and other places there is a need to advertise. At the same time, it is possible to hang it up and use it as a two-sided poster.

Another poster I’ve made for them in connection with a show can be seen here.