A rose by another name

Disse billeder er resultatet af et samarbejde mellem Mette Mikkelsen stylist og Anne Højlund Nicolajsen fotograf og jeg.

Begge piger er bosiddende i New York, som også er stedet billederne bliver skudt. De kontaktede mig og spurgte mig, om jeg var interesseret i at lave nogle af mine collage-billeder på deres færdige fotos for at give dem en helt anden følelse.

Jeg fik et moodboard, så jeg kunne se, hvilken stemning de søgte efter. Mine nøgleord var gamle engelske roser i gammelrosa farver. Efter at være blevet briefet via mail begyndte jeg at se på roser og indsamle billederne. som jeg

Jeg har virkelig nydt at modtage smukke billeder som grundlaget for mit arbejde. Med dette projekt var jeg nødt til at sørge for, at collage kunstværket ikke var for overvældende og ville stjæle opmærksomheden fra billederne.

Billedeserien findes i Bambi magazine, og på Lebooks hjemmeside.


These photos are the end result of a collaboration between Mette Mikkelsen stylist og Anne Højlund Nicolajsen photographer and I.

Both of the girls  residing in New York which is also the place of the shoot. They contacted me and asked me if I was interested in doing some of my collage artwork on their finished photos to give them a totally different feel. I received a moodboard so I could see which feeling they were aiming for.

My keywords were old english roses in dusch colors. After being briefed over mail I started looking at roses and collecting the pictures of those which I felt were suitable for the series.

I really enjoyed the luxury of receiving beautiful pictures as the base for my work. With this project I had to make sure that the artwork wasn’t to overwhelming and wouldn´t steel the attention from the pictures.

The editorial is featured in Bambi magazine, and on the Lebook website.

A rose by another name

These photos are the end result of a collaboration between Mette Mikkelsen stylist og Anne Højlund Nicolajsen photographer  and  I. Both of the girls are currently residing in New York which is also the place of the shoot. They contacted me and asked me if I was interested in doing some of my collage artwork on their finished photos to give them a totally different feel. I received a moodboard so I could see which feeling they were aiming for.

My keywords were old english roses in dusch colors. After being briefed over mail I started looking at roses and collecting the pictures of those which I felt were suitable for the series. As you can see in some of the pictures the girls wanted to use a double effect on the model. the reason for this was that It would be a bit to much to have roses on each picture.

I really enjoyed the luxury of receiving beautiful pictures as the base for my work, usually on my collages the attention is on the artwork, but with this project I had to make sure that the artwork wasn’t to overwhelming and would steel the attention from the pictures.

The editorial is featured in Bambi magazine, and on the Lebook website.